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Student Government Online Elections will run from April 11 - April 15th. Go to to cast your vote!!

All students (including seniors) are encouraged to vote in elections for SGA Executive Board, Senior Class Officers, and SGA Senate. Students will receive an e-mail in their ICWebmail account on Monday morning with the link to the online ballot. Please be sure to adjust your spam settings so that you can receive an e-mail from Or you can go to the SGA website at and click off of the link on the homepage to access the ballot. Or enter the url directly:

Please be sure to check out the platforms for each party at under the Elections link. If you have any further questions regarding the elections, don't hesitate to contact Janet Williams, Elections Co-Chair at or 274-1414 or Raphael Golberstein, Elections Co-Chair at or 274-3084

Student Government Elections - Vote!! | 0 Comments |
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