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Until April 13, 2005, IC After Dark will be accepting applications for the 2005-2006 Executive Board. Want to gain great resume experience, work with one of the largest organizations on campus, and have a lot of fun? Get an application from our website today!

Applications are availabe via our website All applications are due via email at or in the Student Activities Center (3rd floor Campus Center) by 5pm on Wednesday, April 13, 2005. We are currently accepting applications for the following positions: - Vice Executive Chair - Executive Secretary - Finance Chair - Marketing/Public Relations Chair - Advertising Chair - Multimedia Chair - Facilities Chair - Purchasing and Donations Chair - Event Planning Team (3-5 positions) Responsibilities and requirements for each position are also listed on our website. Please feel free to email or call 274-1267 with any questions.

IC After Dark Filling Executive Board Positions | 0 Comments |
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