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Earth Week Activites April 17-22

Contributed by Mark Darling on 04/12/05 

Earth Week is coming! The Ithaca College Environmental Society (ICES) is planning a full week of events from April 17 to the 22. A full schedule is below:

Sunday, 4/17
Hiking and trail work at Mulholland Wildflower Preserve.
Meet at 11:15 am in front of Textor to walk down to Six Mile Creek.

Monday, 4/18
Environmental movie night!
ICES will be showing the "toxic comedy" Blue Vinyl at 7:00 pm in Textor 103.
Co-sponsored by biology, chemistry, and our own environmental studies, as well as Students for Sustainability.

Tuesday, 4/19
Teach-in on organic gardening and composting.
Come hear about our state-of-the-art composting facility, or learn the scoop on the organic garden. Noon, Textor 103. Also co-sponsored by biology, chemistry, environmental studies, and Students for Sustainability.

Wednesday, 4/20
Teach in on Hemp!
Learn the truth about this most interesting and versatile plant. Free hemp and beads will be provided. noon at Free Speech Rock (in front of
campus center).

Thursday, 4/21
Open Mic Night
This year's open mic will feature a diverse array of creative performances spanning from bluegrass to hip-hop. Slots are still available, so if you're interested in performing, email "Admission" will be a piece of litter or a pair of shoes you don't want. 7:00 pm in IC Square.

Friday, 4/22
Earth Festival!
Check out the tables, interactive displays, and hands-on activities by ICES, Students for Sustainability, and local groups in the North Foyer of the Campus Center from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

Be sure and check out our website for more information:

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