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If you've been thinking about how -- or why -- to infuse sustainability considerations into your courses, here's an opportunity to learn more about it from a panel of experienced educators. The Office of the Provost will host the webcast during Earth Week and you're invited to attend this learning opportunity on Tuesday, April 19, in the Job Hall board room from noon to 1:30 pm.

Sustainability in the Curriculum: Theory to Practice

Please RSVP to Marian Brown if you plan to attend this session, as seating is limited. This webcast is sponsored by the Society of College and University Planners (SCUP).

Presenters include: Geoffrey W. Chase, dean of undergraduate studies at San Diego State University; Debora Rose, professor of renewable energies and energy management at Oakland Community College and fellow with the University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSK); Terry Link, director of the Office of Campus Sustainability at Michigan State University; Peggy Barlett, professor of anthropology at Emery University; and Dick Rittelmann, chair, Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann Associates.

Those of you who attended the sustainability track at this year's James J. Whalen Symposium will recognize Geoff Chase, who was the keynote speaker. Geoff and Peggy Barlett coedited the volume "Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change." At the symposium, Geoff spoke about his experience with the Ponderosa Project at Northern Arizona State, a chapter about which is also included in his book. Through the Ponderosa Project, considerations of sustainability was infused into the content of over 120 different general education courses, across all disciplines.

More information about this webcast and the presenters can be viewed at:

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