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On Wednesday, April 20, at 7:00 pm, in Park Hall Auditorium, learn all about the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), which just began. Learn how the Ithaca College community can support the effort to create an educated global populace committed to creating a sustainable world for all peoples and for future generations.

Presenting this talk will be Steve Cochran, the interim steward for the U.S. partnership to support the UN decade. Co-presenting with Steve will be Dan Roth, a Cornell graduate student who has been tapped as the youth sector leader for the U.S. partnership. Together, Steve and Dan form a dynamic team with many good ideas on how Ithaca College and our regional community can become active and engaged in this important effort.

Come be inspired to action.

Sustainability Series: A Decade of Respect and Innovation | 0 Comments |
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