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Faculty members and others who are engaged or interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning will meet on Tuesday, April 26, 12:10-1:00 pm in the Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center. Barney Beins, Department of Psychology, will coordinate this first meeting of an interest group within the Center for Faculty Excellence.

For more information about the interest group or about the scholarship of teaching and learning, see the Center for Faculty Excellence. If you are interested but unable to attend the initial meeting, please contact Susanne Morgan or Barney Beins.

We remind you also of the annual spring faculty conference during the morning of Tuesday May 10. There is still space in the series of free workshops on course design; May 23-27. For reservations please contact Laurie Wasik.

Center for Faculty Excellence:
For information:,, and

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning -- Group Forming | 0 Comments |
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