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A long and distinguished career will come to an end this spring as Henry Neubert retires as conductor of the Ithaca College Symphonic Band and professor of double bass. Neubert's final concert will be on Saturday, April 23, at 8:15 p.m., in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

The performance is free, and the public is warmly invited to attend. The program will include such Neubert favorites as Schwantner's From a Dark Millenium, Nelhybel's Symphonic Movement, and Belsterling's March of the Steelmen.

Neubert began teaching double bass in the School of Music in 1972. At that time he also taught all the string music education courses. In 1976 he became conductor of the symphonic band. By his estimation, he has instructed around 2,000 students in band since then. In addition to his teaching duties, Neubert was chair of the performance studies department for five years, assistant dean for a year, and graduate chair for admissions for three years.

For more information on this or any School of Music concert, telephone 274-3717.

Henry Neubert to Conduct Retirement Concert | 0 Comments |
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