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Two Free Wind Band Concerts

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 04/18/05 

Both the Ithaca College Wind Ensemble and the Concert Band will give free concerts at Ithaca College's Ford Hall; the Wind Ensemble on Wednesday, April 27, at 8:15 pm, and the Concert Band the following night, Thursday, April 28, also at 8:15 pm.

The Wind Ensemble, directed by Stephen Peterson, will perform music of Dana Wilson, Gustav Holst, David Maslanka, and Ron Nelson. Oboe soloist in the Wilson will be School of Music faculty member Paige Morgan. The wind ensemble is an auditioned ensemble performing with one player per part. They recently performed for the College Band Directors' National Association convention in New York City.

The Concert Band, under Elizabeth Peterson's direction, will offer music of Grantham, Del Tredici, and Grainger.

For more information about this or other Ithaca College School of Music concerts, call 274-3717.

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