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Used Book Buyback, May 2-6

Contributed by Art Gilmore on 04/27/05 

Help save our natural resources -- recycle your books and at the same time get some cash for them.

The Ithaca College bookstore used book buyback will be at the end of the spring 2005 semester. The hours for this buyback are 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday, May 2 through Friday, May 6. The bookstore buyback window is located down the hall from the Phillips Hall Annex Post Office.

Friday, May 6, is the last day for buyback and the buyback window will close at 4:00 PM.

Turn your used books into cash! All used books are welcomed for this buyback.

Used Book Buyback, May 2-6 | 4 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Used Book Buyback, Spring 2005 semester Comment from mferrei1 on 04/25/05
There is also a new book buyback call belltower books! They come right to your door and purchase your books for cash and will purchase all of your textbooks. G online now to and set up an appointment!
Used Book Buyback, Spring 2005 semester Comment from lbecker on 05/02/05
This company is not approved to go to residence halls on the Ithaca College campus. Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited by the Ithaca College Solicitation and Advertising policy. (The Campus Center office oversees solicitation and advertising on campus.)

Please DO NOT use this service if you live in an Ithaca College residence hall.

Thank you,
Lori Becker
Operations Assistant
Campus Center
Used Book Buyback, Spring 2005 semester Comment from bcostello on 05/03/05
Just curious... based on what you are saying, does every place in Ithaca that delivers food need to get approved as well?
Used Book Buyback, Spring 2005 semester Comment from mferrei1 on 05/04/05
Belltowerbooks is the way to go! I am busines student and Belltower is a business, if the college can't compete, oh well.