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Spring Activities

Contributed by Brian McAree on 04/21/05 

The return of nice weather has encouraged many of us to spend our free time outdoors. After the cold of winter, it has been heartening to see so many students, staff, and faculty interacting on the academic quad and in other areas of campus.

With the increased pedestrian traffic has come an increase in the use of roller blades, skateboards, bicycles, and "mini-scooters." For safety and academic considerations, I would like to comment on their use.

The use of roller blades, skateboards, bicycles, and "mini-scooters" has caused safety hazards for pedestrians and damage to College property. This type of equipment should not be used inside any building, in the academic quad, or in any high pedestrian areas, but can be used in areas with limited traffic.

In addition, the following is a partial list of areas on campus where these activities are not permitted:

  • Tennis courts
  • Basketball courts
  • Sidewalks
  • Stonewalls
  • Railings
  • Stairs
  • Ramps formed by buildings
  • Parking lots

We have also received a number of complaints about people playing ball and Frisbee in the parking lots, causing damage to cars and creating an unsafe environment for pedestrians. Please refrain from this type of activity.

This information is being shared to reduce risk to pedestrians and eliminate damage to campus and personal property. Repair costs for any damage will be the responsibility of the persons causing the damage. Any violation of this policy could result in judicial action.

I regret having to outline these items, given that we all want to enjoy the final days of the spring semester. However, if these guidelines are followed, all members of the campus community will be able to enjoy the next few weeks without the risk of injury, damage to campus facilities, or undue disturbance. Thank you for your cooperation.

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