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Kira Randolph ’07 and Amy Ciesielski ’05 were chosen to screen their work at the 2005 Portland Documentary and eXperimental Film Festival (PDX) in Portland, Oregon, April 20-24.

"The Portland Documentary and eXperimental Film Festival is one of the two or three most important places in North America to see a mix of work by established filmmakers and emerging artists," said associate professor David Gatten. "This is a place where people go to see what is coming next. To have Amy and Kira selected for the festival is a tremendous affirmation of the work they have done and a sort of signal flare to the film community that here are a couple of young makers to keep an eye on. It is extremely rare for student work to ever be selected for a festival of this scope and caliber."

Randolph’s film, The Ladybug and the Swan, will screen on Saturday, April 23, and Ciesielski’s film, Incalcuable Up and Down, will be featured on Sunday, April 24. Gatten’s film, The Great Art of Knowing, was also accepted into the festival.

Film Students' Works at PDX Festival | 1 Comments |
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Film Students' Works at PDX Festival Comment from mwechsl1 on 04/25/05
Hooray! Two wondeful films by two wondeful people!