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The informal education and support group for employees dealing with caregiving issues continues to meet the first Friday of each month. The group was established by the Gerontology Institute together with the Office of Human Resources.

The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 6, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in room 413 of the Center for Health Sciences (Gerontology Resource Room). Please feel free to bring your lunch. Beverages and cookies will be provided. For further information please call Mary Tomaselli (4-3083) or Pam Mayberry (4-1607).

Caregivers might also be interested in a new course on dementia and aging (780-39901) being offered in fall '05. The course will address Alzheimer's disease as well as other age-related dementias, and will explore symptoms,
causes, treatment, care management options, and caregiving issues. The course will meet Tuesday and Thursday 9:25-10:40 a.m. Contact faculty member Christine Pogorzala at 274-1051 if you have questions about auditing or
enrolling in this course.

Caregiver Education and Support Group | 0 Comments |
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