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With the end of the semester fast approaching, Information Technology Services would like to take this opportunity to remind all instructors to review the Optical Scanning procedures to ensure their tests are processed and returned in a timely manner and with minimal interruption.

Please take a few minutes to review the Optical Scanning QuickGuide (PDF).

Optical Scanning processing procedures for finals week are as follows:

Scanning will be brought to and picked up from computer operations every hour during finals week (we expect a three-hour turnaround time).

  • The last scanning run to Computer Operations that week will be at 4:45 pm on Friday, May 6.
  • After this point:
    • All exams not picked up from the ITS main office by 4:45 p.m. will be taken to computer operations.
    • Professors must call computer operations at 274-3406 to make arrangements to bring/pick up the optical scanning request to/from computer operations in Job Hall.
    • Computer operations will remain open until midnight on Friday, May 6, for drop off/pick up.
  • If an exam is not picked up by Friday, May 6, at midnight, it will be taken to Campus Safety where it can be picked up over the weekend. (Note: only professors will be able to pick up exams, not TAs or OAs).
  • All jobs that have not been picked up from Campus Safety will be brought back to the ITS main office on Monday morning, May 9.

If you have any questions, please contact computer operations at 274-3406.

Also, as a reminder regarding course evaluations, any department making changes to their survey questionnaires should also contact computer operations to allow time for operations to accommodate those changes in the system.

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