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Campus Wide Yard Sale

Contributed by Christen Schoch on 04/26/05 

Bring anything you want to sell to the north foyer next Thursday, April 28, between 9:00 and 10:00 am, and we'll try to sell it for you! Bring anything from dishes to electronics to room decorations Come back at around 3:00 pm to collect your $$.

This is a charity event, so we ask that you be prepared to donate 40% of your money to us. We will be giving it directly to the Global Fund, a charity service that provides education and medication for HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria in 128 third world countries.

If you're not selling, come buy something! We will also have a food, clothing and cleaning supplies donation table set up, so anything you think you might throw away at the end of the year, give it to us!!

If you're not quite ready to part with that Foosball table or whatever the item may be, tell us and we will notify buyers of its availability date. We will do our best to suit your needs!

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