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Grieving for Morgan

Contributed by Brian McAree on 04/27/05 

Grieving for Morgan
Tonight, Wednesday, April 27, in the Chapel
7:30 to 8:30 pm

A coming together to grieve, process, and reflect. All are welcome to attend this event, which will be facilitated by the counseling center staff and the chaplains.

Join us in this opportunity to come together as a community to reflect on death, life, and moving forward. Written expressions of sympathy will be collected for Morgan Potter’s family.

Please note that a formal memorial service for Morgan will be scheduled for early next week. More information will be forthcoming once details are finalized.

Grieving for Morgan | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Grieving for Morgan Comment from kcobb1 on 04/27/05
It is great there is a service for Morgan to celebrate and mourn
his life tonight. I think more should be done, though. Along with
a service should be a day of silence, a vigil, anything that
involves the whole community at one time. This service is
voluntary, and even though it is necessary, I don't think it will
impact as many students as hoped. By having a full day set out
for Morgan, students would be able to truly reflect on this
profound incident and the college could communicate how
serious it is, and how we can help reach out to others. Cut out
classes for the day and have everyone put their lives on hold for
a second. Don't get me wrong, I am really glad to see this
service for Morgan. I just wish life could stop for one day, even
an hour, where everyone, not just those who chose to partcipate,
can get together and celebrate Morgan.RIP MP.