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On Saturday, May 7, 2:00-4:00 P.M., Longview, an Ithacare Community will be holding its annual open house.

This year's open house will feature facility tours, trail rides on Longview's golf cart, and a variety of exhibits including Longview's Adult Day Community program, Ithaca College's Gerontology Institute and Center for Life Skills Program, the on-site Tompkins Community Action Headstart program and a display of a local artist's work. Music will be provided by Bert Sal.

A reception celebrating Older American's Month will be held at 3:00 P.M.

Longview is located at 1 Bella Vista Drive, about a quarter mile up Danby Road (on the right) from the main entrance of the College.


Celebrate Older Americans' Month at the Longview Open House! | 0 Comments |
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