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Morgan Potter's family has provided us with the information about viewing arrangements and funeral services to share with the Ithaca College community.

Viewing hours will be Thursday, April 28, 2:00-4:00 pm and 7:00-9:00 pm, at the Bartron Myer Funeral Home, 74 Church Street, Montrose, PA. The funeral service is scheduled for 11:00 am, Friday, April 29, at the Montrose United Methodist Church, 90 Church Street, in Montrose.

Notes of sympathy and remembrance for the family are being collected by the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life and will be shared with the family. Please drop off any items at our office in 340 Egbert Hall.

An on-campus memorial service to celebrate Morgan's life is being planned for early next week; details will be announced when those plans are finalized.

Morgan Potter Funeral Arrangements | 0 Comments |
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