IC Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) and the Women’s Opportunity Center have partnered to present classes in personal finance and strategic business planning for a home business on May 5th. ALL are invited to attend these free classes!
There will be two separate classes offered May 5, 2005 at the Women's Opportunity Center. Feel free to attend one or both of these events. All interested individuals should contact the Women's Opportunity Center to register. FREE materials and resources will be distributed at both classes!!
"Money Matters" 2-4 @ the Women’s Opportunity Center
Come learn how to improve your personal budgeting and credit management skills in this workshop taught by Ithaca College’s Students In Free Enterprise. Topics covered will include how to manage a check book, handle credit card purchases, and plan/implement a personal budget successfully.
“Tips to Starting and Managing Your Own Small Business”
5-7pm @ the Women’s Opportunity Center
Students In Free Enterprise, in conjunction with Ithaca College Business Professor Granger Macy, will be conducting this workshop on strategic management practices. Topics covered will include creating a business plan, managing human resources, and developing effective marketing strategies.
Register NOW for these MAY 5TH classes!!
Women’s Opportunity Center
315 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 272-1520