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Motorcycle Parking Policy

Contributed by Lillian Tavelli on 04/29/05 

The Parking Policy Committee has approved the following motorcycle parking policy.

Motorcycles will be allowed to park in any parking spaces in the parking lots that their parking permit allows. There continue to be spaces throughout campus specifically made for motorcycles as follows:

6 spaces near the old field house
2 spaces in the lot by the Gannett Center (library)
1 space in F lot
1 space in P lot
3 spaces near the Hammond Health Center.

The seasonal motorcycle spaces in E lot and U lot will be returned to full size regular spaces for motorcycles
or other vehicles.

Students who register a motorcycle with Parking & Traffic Services will pay the same fee for the motorcycle permit as they would for a regular vehicle permit (car, pickup, SUV, etc.). Students registering motorcycles must park only in the student lots.

Students are only allowed to have one vehicle registered at a time. For example, if you have a permit on a motorcycle and want to exchange it for a permit for another vehicle, remove the permit from the motorcycle and exchange it at the Parking & Traffic Services office for a permit for the other vehicle.

Motorcycle Parking Policy | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Motorcycle Parking Policy Comment from axavier1 on 05/02/05
ah yes...Ithaca is back at it again. i have a motorcycle and i am not registering it with traffic services. how can traffic services justify charging $100 to park a motorcycle in half a spot? additionally, how can we only have one vehicle registered at a time? this policy seems to make about as much sense as every other parking policy on campus. if i decide i would like to drive my other vehicle to class, due to the rain, i cannot if my motorcycle is registered...and seeing as how i live off campus i would need to catch a ride. clever.
i also have a reason for not paying due to the fact that my vehicles have been either broken it to or smashed on this campus. why are we paying to have our cars subject to this?? in three years here i have lost an $800 stereo in one lot and my car was smashed in a different the middle of the day without a trace of who did it. it does not make sense that i paid a total of $400 over the three years to have my car sitting in only the red lots where apparently anything goes.
there are many things i would like to say about traffic services and their policies here, but i will keep them to myself. i am a senior who is leaving and seeing these new changes constantly makes me happy knowing i will not be forced to pay for parking here; just to have my car vandalized anyway. as for the new policy...i have one week left. im not paying $100 for a motorcycle to be parked in the gravel as i have already said. i think that traffic services should involve student opinion more to avoid the obvious problems they are going to encounter in the future.
Motorcycle Parking Policy Comment from aketter1 on 05/02/05
This is once again a clear example of the total disregard of student opinion that Ithaca College exercises before making its dictator like decisions.
I have had my car vandalized on campus in far away, unmonitored red lots. I will not have this happen to my motorcycle. Parking in highly visible places significantly reduces the chance of vandalism which so frequently happens to our cars because of the desire for campus police to spend their time looking in dorms for underage drinking, or speeding down pedestrian walkways, as opposed to spending more time patrolling the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of automobiles parked on campus on a daily basis.
I have paid for a parking pass already once for my car. On days with inclement weather (as is so frequent in Ithaca) I am unfortunately forced to drive my car and risk it possibly getting vandalized, once again. By driving a motorcycle, and not my already registered car, I am reducing the parking problems on campus by not taking up a spot even though I am entitled to it. My thanks for this is being told to park in one of 13 spaces, 6 of which are surrounded by gravel, or in one of the normal spots where it can be obscure and unprotected. I feel I should be allowed to park one vehicle on campus at a time, without having to switch passes back and forth on a daily basis, because that is what I have paid for. Additionaly, being told that I could not even register both vehicles if I wanted to is ludicrous.
As a graduating senior and I say good riddance to the rigid administration at this school. I too will not be registering my motorcycle with the incompetent parking services of Ithaca College because I have already registered my car.