Each year residents discover that it is impossible to fit the contents of their rooms into their car. As a result, many usable items end up in the trash dumpster and on their way to the landfill. We don’t want to let that happen!
The Ithaca College Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) and ICES are again sponsoring Take It or Leave It (TIOLI: pronounced-TE-Ole-EE), a program aimed at diverting usable items from the landfill. The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of usable material being thrown into the trash dumpsters.
Throughout the campus. REMP volunteers will be placing collection bins in all residence halls where residents can deposit usable items they no longer need. Such items include: clean clothing, non-perishable food in its original container, desk lamps, pens, pencils, paper, books, cups, plates, silverware, trays, waste cans, laundry baskets, buckets, Jaffa blocks, etc. Bins will be placed in the residence halls at the beginning of finals week, May 2, 2005.
Items should be placed in or near the bins, and people are free to take what they want What’s left will be donated to local charities. Collection will begin finals week and continue through the checkout weekend of May 7 and 8, 2005.
Other items that end up in the trash dumpsters are materials that are collected for recycling, especially paper.
On the back of each resident’s room door is a sticker that lists what items can be recycled. Recycling should be placed in the appropriate bins beside each trash dumpster located at all the residence halls. If the collection bins are full, please contact the Recycling Information Line at: 274-1777 or the physical plant office at 274-3761.
We at REMP are pleased that this initiative has proven to be a successful solution last year to our year-end waste disposal challenge. Over 4500 pounds of reusable items and food were donated to local charities. The support of the College community is appreciated as we strive to solve our solid waste disposal problems.