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Make a Splash at the IC Picnic

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 05/14/05 

Has it always been your dream to make a splash at a major event? Have we got a deal for you!

Ithaca College's Relay for Life team, IC Hope, is looking for a few brave souls to sit in our dunking booth at the IC picnic on Saturday, June 11. For 15 minutes you can sit on a platform and see if your friends and coworkers are talented enough to give you a free swim!

IC Hope is a group of 20-30 of your coworkers and friends who are trying to raise money to fight cancer. Last year our team was #2 for money raised -- and this year we want to be #1! Won't you please help us by being part of our major fundraiser at the picnic? It will be a fun way to help a good cause!

The dunking booth will be open from 11:30 am-1:00 pm.

If you would like to volunteer for a shift, please contact Anne Woodard at x4-3811 or by e-mail at Team IC Hope thanks you!

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