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Grand Central Cafe is located across from the information desk in the Campus Center. It serves Green Mountain coffee, Freshens Smoothies, frozen yogurt cones and sundaes, and a variety of healthy snack options. Summertime is the right time to treat yourself.

Grab a Smoothie and relax with the refreshing taste of real fruit, mixed with fruit juice and ice. It's sure to hit the spot, on these warm summer days. Or try a Freshens Micro Blast, a soft-serve yogurt blasted with candy pieces. Just perfect for your sweet tooth.

If these specialty items don't tempt your taste buds, never fear. You can always opt for an original sundae or a cone made with delicious soft-serve frozen yogurt.

Grand Central Cafe is open, Monday-Friday, 7:30 am to 2:30 pm, for the entire summer. So stop by for your coffee in the morning and a refreshing treat in the afternoon.

Grand Central Cafe Open for the Summer | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Grand Central Cafe Open for the Summer Comment from kwikoff on 05/24/05
I don't suppose the Grand Central Cafe will be stocking any of the wonderful healthy-diet conscious salads (Cajun chicken, cobb, spinach, fruit medley) they serve the rest of the year at the snack bar in the CHS? That's what I miss in the summer....

Karin in the Library
Grand Central Cafe Open for the Summer Comment from pameigh on 05/25/05
I'm very grateful to my fellow early-birds who have agreed to be open this summer. It is very helpful to be able to pop in and grab some juice or goodies. I also have chatted with a few people who have come to enjoy those wonderful salads at CHS. Thanks, Dining Services, for continued accommodations and reevaluation! :) pma