Mr. David Potter, the father of Morgan Potter, our student who died tragically on Tuesday, April 26, 2005, requests that the following statement be sent to the Ithaca College community. Please keep Morgan's family in your thoughts and prayers.
-- Brian McAree
To the Ithaca College community:
The recent tragedy of Morgan Potter's untimely death highlights the threat posed to young adults coming to grips with their lives and the relationships that develop in this period. No one should choose a permanent solution to the temporary problem of an unrequited love, an academic setback, ill-advised choices, or the other myriad of decisions that face them at this threshold of their lives.
But occasionally this does happen and then there is no turning back.
It is so important for these almost-adult children to know that there are resources to call on. Parents, teachers, siblings, and friends are there for guidance or a listening ear. Keep trying. Find someone who will listen and advise. Taking one's own life to make someone else realize how much they have hurt you is such a waste. Sought- after relationships don't always come to fruition, and some don't last. That can be very painful, and I think it would be fair to say that by the time any of us reach our twenties, most have experienced rejection in some form. To watch someone you love leave and become involved with another is very painful. But ending one's life is not the answer. Take the time to envision the pain that suicide will bring to family and friends who love you and would do anything to help if they only knew the depth of your feelings.
As parents and mentors, how do we know when problems are out of proportion? How can we know how much steering and direction to give? These are not easily answered questions and the answers probably differ with each case. But we must keep lines of communication open so that we can feel when something is not right in the life of someone we love. When mentoring is not enough, we must make sure they seek the psychological help that they need.
Morgan's life was defined by many accomplishments, friendliness, energy, and love. In his memory, let us all determine to do our best to never let this happen again.
The family of Morgan R. Potter