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Is potato salad one of your favorite summer dishes, but you are laden with guilt if you eat it? Don't despair! Weight Watchers can show you how you can enjoy your favorite summer dishes and still lose weight!

The summer months are especially challenging if you are trying to be fit and healthy. Although you are outside more, delicious delicacies seem to follow you everywhere. Relax -- there is help on the way. Weight Watchers has proven to many of your co-workers that staying healthy does not have to be painful.

Please come and join us for a special 16-week summer session and learn more about this wonderful program. Afraid to come alone? Bring some friends! This session is open to folks who are not campus employees as well as our campus community members.

The summer session will begin June 7 and will last for 16 weeks, ending September 20. Meetings are held from noon to 1:00 pm every Tuesday, location to be confirmed shortly. The cost of the program is $159, payable in one or two installments. Please contact Anne Woodard at x4-3811 or for more information.

We are halfway to our goal of 15 members, so don't hesitate to sign up now. You can even have another bite of potato salad as you enroll.

Don't Put the Potato Salad Down Yet | 0 Comments |
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