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On Monday, June 6, La Vincita will open for the summer as the Food Court closes for an extensive face lift. La Vincita, in IC Square across from the Food Court, is known for its Starbucks coffee and Sandella's pizza, wraps, and panini.

Meal plan participants: La Vincita will be the place for meal plan participants to go through June 25. The meal plans will work the same way they did at the Food Court.

La Vincita will be open the same hours that the Food Court was open -- 7:30 am-1:30 pm and 5:00-6:30 pm daily

So stop by La Vincita starting June 6.

June 6 -- La Vincita Opens, Food Court Closes | 1 Comments |
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June 6 -- La Vincita Opens, Food Court Closes Comment from bcostello on 06/22/05
I wish this was true...