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Learn to Row

Contributed by Becky Robinson on 06/03/05 

U.S. Rowing has declared Saturday, June 11, 2005, National Learn to Row Day. The Ithaca College coaching staff will be offering a learn-to-row program at the Haskill Davidson boathouse from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Please contact Becky Robinson at 4-3145 or if you are interested.

Event: Learn to Row

Date: Saturday, June 11

Time: 9:00 a.m.-Noon

Location: Ithaca College Boathouse. Directions from Ithaca College: 96B downtown, pass the Commons, turn left on 79 W (Seneca St.), right on 13 N (Meadow St)., left at 3rd street (Aldi’s on the corner), take an immediate left after crossing the railroad tracks, go all the way to the end of the drive, past the Cornell boathouse.

Cost: Free

9:00: Introduction, tour, safety discussion.
9:30: Land instruction on the ergometer: basic rowing stroke and coxswain commands.
10:00: Launching the shells and dock instruction.
10:30: Row for 30-45 minutes, participants will be accompanied by members of the men’s and women’s rowing teams.
11:30 Wrap-up

What to Bring: Workout clothes (tight fitting is best), sneakers, and a water bottle.

Safety/Liability: We will follow U.S. Rowing safety guidelines and Ithaca Crew safety procedures. All participants will sign a U.S. Rowing waiver and an Ithaca College waiver, and will verify their ability to swim.

Please verify your ability to swim with a lifeguard and bring the completed swim test (below) with you on June 11. The Ithaca College outdoor pool is open Monday-Friday noon-7:00 p.m., Saturday noon-6:00 p.m., and Sunday 1-7:00 p.m.

Swim Test


100 yard swim

5 min tread water



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