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Please join the staff of the Offices of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs on June 29 in saying farewell to Grant Wilder, area coordinator.

A farewell reception will be held on Wedensday, June 29, 1:00-3:00 pm, in Clark lounge in the Campus Center. Grant has been with our office since March, 2000. He will be "retiring" from the student affairs field to pursue a career in financial planning.

All are invited to say farewell, enjoy some cake, and share funny stories about Grant!

Farewell Reception for Grant Wilder | 1 Comments |
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Farewell Reception for Grant Wilder Comment from lhathaw1 on 06/27/05
I'm sorry I can't attend the reception- but I wanted to say that I worked with Grant for this past year, and he's a pretty great guy!
Thanks Grant, for helping make my transition to Ithaca alot easier :)