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Following a national search, Suki Montgomery has been selected as the new assistant director of the counseling center.

Suki has been a staff psychologist at the center since August 2001. As assistant director, she will be responsibile for coordinating the preprofessional graduate training program in the counseling center. She will also begin developing a crisis response team for the campus community.

Please join me in congratulating Suki and welcoming her into this new role at the counseling center.

New Assistant Director of the Counseling Center | 1 Comments |
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New Assistant Director of the Counseling Center Comment from mstephens on 06/27/05
What a smart choice. Suki is a wonderful colleague and a very caring therapist about whom students speak very highly. I know she will make a great assistant director of the counseling center!
Congratulations to the counseling center and to Suki.