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Teaching Discussions Continue

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 06/25/05 

Open discussions following the week of workshops on course design continue on Wednesday, June 29, 2:00-3:00 in CHS 201. The last group was a lively exchange of strategies for reducing anxiety, using WebCT effectively, and helping students keep up with the reading. These discussions are open to anyone, whether or not you are a faculty member and whether or not you attended the workshops.

The Center for Faculty Excellence is only a virtual center, but Susanne Morgan, who maintains the web page and coordinates activities, has moved to yet another office. She and a small faculty development browsing library are in CHS 214B, sharing the space with Marian Brown, special assistant to the Provost, who coordinates much of the sustainability initiative. CHS 214B is an unmarked door between International Programs and the restrooms on the east side of the main CHS entrance on the academic quad.

CHS is the Center for Health Sciences, located between Hill Center and Smiddy Hall.
CHS 201 is located on the west side of the building, near the parking lot entrance and behind where the coffee cart is during the academic year.

The Canter for Faculty Excellence is at
More information on the course design workshops is at
The schedule of discussions (PDF) is at

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