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Take an air conditioned coach ride to Darien Lake. Giant water slides and awesome roller coasters await (lockers available on premises). The payment deadline is Friday, July 1, at 4:00 pm. (Did you know that regular admission to Darien Lake is $33.99/adult? And that’s without the coach ride!) Pay by the due date and you’ll be automatically entered in our ticket give away!

  • Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, family, and friends.
  • Saturday, July 30, 2005
  • $32 per person (includes bus fare and park admission)
  • Drawing -- all who pay by the deadline will be placed in a drawing. The winner will be reimbursed for the Darien Lake portion of their ticket.
  • Roundtrip transportation will be provided from Ithaca College (O-lot). We will depart IC at 8:00 am (the park opens at 10:30 am), and leave Darien Lake at 6:30 pm (approximate IC arrival – 9:00 pm).

    Bring your check to Kasey Huddle (registrar) by 4:00 pm on Friday, July 1, to reserve your seat. Make your check payable to Ithaca College; no cash or credit cards will be accepted. The ticket is non-refundable, but transferable to someone else.

    Don’t get left here at Ithaca. For more information contact Barbie Odell,, 274-3814.
    These trips are brought to you by the Staff Council.

    Enjoy the Heat of Summer at Darien Lake | 0 Comments |
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