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The New York State Broadcasters Association has honored Ithaca College’s WICB-FM with two awards in the Association’s 40th Annual Awards for Excellence in Broadcasting. The station was competing with all commercial, college, and public stations in small markets, and won for Best Feature Story and Best Local Sporting Event.

The feature piece, produced by Tim Lunardoni ’08, highlighted a talk by two Ithaca film grads who produced the documentary “My Date With Drew.” The film chronicles one person’s quest to get a date with actress Drew Barrymore.

The sporting event award was for WICB’s coverage of the Ithaca College Bombers football game at St. John Fisher College in September, 2004. Announcers for the broadcast were Brendan Burke ’06 and Nels McLaughliin ’05.

Awards were announced at the Association’s executive conference at the Sagamore Resort Hotel on Lake George on Tuesday, June 28.

WICB Honored by New York State Broadcasters | 1 Comments |
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WICB Honored by New York State Broadcasters Comment from webb on 07/04/05
Thsi is really cool... and shows both the talent of students and their excellent leadership by Chris Wheatley. KUDOS!