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The student employment office and the payroll office are jointly offering training to the supervisors of student employees on two occasions this summer.

The dates are:
Wednesday, July 27, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Thursday, August 11, 2:00-3:30 p.m.

Both sessions will be held in Textor 102 and will include the same information on the following topics:

  • SEA Entry
  • Importance of the I-9 Form
  • How to complete TRFs
  • Importance of completing SEAs before paying students
  • FLSA rules and paying students overtime
  • How students view their Payslips online
  • Payment schedules and websites
  • Question and Answer period

We urge every supervisor to attend a sessions for the opportunity to raise questions and also give us good ideas for future sessions together. There is no need to register; just choose the most convenient time for you and come! If there is an interest in repeating the session after the semester begins, we will make plans to do that for those unable to attend either of these sessions. We look forward to seeing all of you!

Attention Superviors of Student Employees | 0 Comments |
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