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Library Staff News

Contributed by Lisabeth Chabot on 07/12/05 

Lis Chabot, College Librarian, was recently elected as Chair of the College Library Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries. She was also elected as an independent higher education representative on the Council of NYLINK, an organization that offers cataloging, resource sharing, electronic resources, and digitization services. Jim Bondra, Business Librarian, and John Henderson, Social and Natural Sciences Librarian, have been promoted to the rank of Librarian III. Cathy Michael hss joined the library staff in the newly created position of Communications Librarian. In this capacity, she will work with the faculty, staff, and students in the Park School of Communications to develop relevant library instructional services and subject resources.

Library Staff News | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Library Staff News Comment from jhickey on 10/03/05
Re the Communications Librarian position, it would be more accurate to say "newly re-created Communications Librarian position". Debra Lamb-Deans , currently at Cornell U. ILR Library, was the first Communications Librarian way back in the last century.