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Christopher Harper taught at Ithaca College from 1997 until last May and served as the first Park Distinguished Chair of Communications. He has now moved to Temple University in Philadelphia, where he has been appointed to the Department of Journalism and granted tenure.

Temple, one of the largest journalism programs in the country, has developed an innovative program in urban journalism, combining print, broadcast, and digital reporting. Harper will teach courses in digital media, broadcast journalism, and media law.

Harper can be contacted at

Harper Teaching at Temple University | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Harper Teaching at Temple University Comment from ainver1 on 07/21/05
Many thanks go out to Professor Harper for his years of service at Ithaca College. He was a great teacher and it's a shame that IC has lost such an enthusiastic educator. Best of luck to Chris Harper in his new position at Temple University.
Harper Teaching at Temple University Comment from estabroo on 07/29/05
Chris will be missed and I agree that it's a shame Ithaca has lost such an influential and effective educator. Our students' loss is Temple's gain.