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Andrejs Ozolins to Retire

Contributed by Joanne Hindman on 07/26/05 

Andrejs Ozolins, electronic publication specialist, has announced his retirement from the Office of Marketing Communications and Ithaca College effective September 1, 2005.

Andrejs has a long history of giving his all to Ithaca College. He first came to Alumni Hall in 1989 as a writer-editor and quickly became a key voice for streamlining the undergraduate and graduate catalogs; his suggestions helped bring order, clarity, and consistency to two of the College’s most important publications.

Some time in the early 1990s Andrejs took it upon himself to learn HTML and related skills in order to convert print publications to web pages. He became a one-man design shop in our office, churning out sites for all manner of offices and departments. His early web work came entirely from his own initiative, from his conviction that the web was a powerful communication tool and would be widely used in just a few years. How right he was: the College now has a team of six to support production of over 100,000 web pages! In 2002 Andrejs volunteered to serve as the managing editor of a new web communications project for IC faculty and staff—Intercom. As managing editor he lightly edits and formats all contributions to the site, serving the campus community at all hours of the day, night, and weekend.

It’s still hard to imagine our office life without Andrejs, but one of our first steps is to appoint an interim managing editor for Intercom, and we’ll announce that soon. And keep an eye on Intercom for news of how you can say good-bye to him. For other projects that you’ve been working on with Andrejs, please keep in touch with your marketing communications manager—Swee Wong,, or Laurie Ward, You may also want to contact Joanne Hindman,, web content manager, or Marina Todd,, creative services director.

We’ll do our best to live up to the intelligence, commitment, and unique perspective that Andrejs always brought to his work.

Andrejs Ozolins to Retire | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Andrejs Ozolins to Retire Comment from arockey on 07/27/05
During most of my career at IC, I've known Andrejs and he has done amazing things to make departments look good. He breathed new life into the Partnership in Teaching program with the on-line version. He is one of the wisest people I know and has a heart of gold.

Good luck to you Andrejs!

Andrejs Ozolins to Retire Comment from hoch on 08/01/05
Andrejs provided much needed help and enthusiasm to our publicity efforts when we brought Paulo Freire to campus in 1991. His contributions to our campus community will be missed.

Best of luck in your future, Andrejs!

John Hochheimer
Andrejs Ozolins to Retire Comment from rowlandh on 08/10/05
What a loss to Ithaca College. When I first met Andrejs I thought, "What a true intellectual." My admiration only grew and strengthened over time. Andrejs always brought to the workplace a strong sense of the mission of the academy, a collection of scholars devoted to serious inquiry and academic culture. Andrejs, thanks for all you did for us. hcr