A presentation by provost and vice president for academic affairs Peter Bardaglio at the Society for College and University Planning annual conference has been featured in the online "Daily Report" of the Chronicle of Higher Education for July 26. The article focuses on Bardaglio's talk at a session on "Building Sustainability in the Curriculum."
According to the Chronicle, many of those attending the three-day conference in Washington, D.C., say their institutions are looking beyond the construction and maintenance of environmentally friendly facilities, to whether and how to incorporate concepts of sustainable living into their curricula, their institutional philosophies, and their relationships with their communities.
The article cites Ithaca College for integrating sustainability into courses across the curriculum in addition to planning a "green" building for the School of Business and examining the possibility of generating electricity from wind turbines. It notes that Bardaglio is urging colleges to equip their students with both knowledge enough to protect the environment and an understanding of why doing so is essential.
Chronicle subscribers can log on to read the full article at www.chronicle.com/prm/daily/2005/07/20050726n.htm.
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