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Paving to Begin Monday, August 1

Contributed by Lori Ray on 07/28/05 

The physical plant grounds department will be doing some paving on campus starting Monday, August 1. The projected completion date is Monday, August 15.

The areas that will be paved are:

  • Garden Apartment road from the Coddington Road entrance to the main campus road
  • The main campus road from the front entrance traffic circle to Butterfield Stadium, up Tower Road to parking lot L
  • J lot (south of East & West Tower) will have some milling and repaving done in sections.
  • Some areas of sidewalk in the Terraces will be overlaid from under Terrace III down to J lot.
During this paving project, the contractor will be taking care of traffic control. You can expect some traffic delays but at no time will any area be shut down to traffic. Emergency vehicles will be able to travel through paving areas at all times.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Roger Casterline at the physical plant office at 4-3225.

Paving to Begin Monday, August 1 | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Paving to Begin Monday, August 1 Comment from lseiver1 on 08/02/05
why can't the Emerson lot (non-freshman part) be paved? is it too
expensive to include in the other repairs?
Paving to Begin Monday, August 1 Comment from jlerner1 on 08/04/05
The message clearing states that roads will not be closed while paving
occurs. However this morning while coming onto campus from the circle
apartments, I was redirected out to 96B. I strongly encourage leaving
extra time to get to work because they are clearly not sticking to this