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Farewell to Robert Cree

Contributed by Tami Hastings on 08/02/05 

Please join financial services, purchasing, accounts payable, budget and finance, and administration in saying farewell to Robert Cree, associate director financial services.

Robert has been at Ithaca College since May 2001. He is leaving IC on August 12 to assume the role of supervisor of general accounting at Emerson Power Transmission.

Please join us in wishing Robert well as he pursues this new opportunity!

Farewell to Robert Cree | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Farewell to Robert Cree Comment from pbianconi on 08/09/05
Robert, thanks for helping me navigate through all my budget sheets. You've been great! Good luck.
Farewell to Robert Cree Comment from nkotmel on 08/10/05
Why didn't you let us know sooner that you were thinking of leaving, so we would've had time to talk you out of it?! We'll miss you.
Thanks for ALL your help over the past few years. We've really appreciated it.
Good luck to you in your new position at Emerson. They're lucky to get you.
Nancy Kotmel, and all the folks in the continuing education and summer sessions office.