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Three Ithaca College faculty were invited delegates to present their recent research at the Media and Society in Asia: Transformations and Transitions Conference in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, July 18-21, 2005.

Gina Marchetti, Cinema and Photography; Patricia R. Zimmerman, Cinema and Photography; and Stewart Auyash, Health Promotion and Physical Education, were among 30 U.S.-based scholars at the Asian Media, Information and Communications Centre (AMIC) sponsored gathering of nearly 300 delegates from 30 different countries.

Marchetti, currently on leave from the college as Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, delivered a paper entitled “In/Visible Histories (China): Documentary Film, Historical Memory, Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Community Service.” Zimmermann’s paper was “The Cambodian Digital Imaginary Archive: Moving between East and West.” Auyash lectured on “Communication as a Treatment for SARS in Singapore.”

AMIC is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) spearheading the development of media and communication expertise in Asia. It encourages social responsibility of media, democratic access, and stimulates opportunities for empowerment of disadvantaged sectors in the communication/media environment.

AMIC is the premier communication NGO for mass communication in the Asia-Pacific region. Established in 1971, AMIC is supported by the United Nations Development Programme, the Government of Singapore, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, and UNESCO.

Three IC Faculty Present Research in Beijing, China | 0 Comments |
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