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IC Community Picnic August 22

Contributed by Peggy Williams on 08/11/05 

Again this year, we are pleased to continue our tradition of welcoming new students at the IC CommUNITY Picnic. The picnic will be held on Monday, August 22, on the academic quad, immediately following Convocation (at approximately noon). In the event of rain, it will be held in the Terrace Dining Hall.

The IC CommUNITY Picnic is an opportunity for our new students to meet other members of the Ithaca College community. In an effort to welcome them to campus, I encourage you to personally greet as many new students as possible.

In addition to learning a little bit about students on an individual level, this is also a great time for you to talk a little bit about yourself -- what you do at the College, how long you have been an employee, and what personal interests you may have. Students also appreciate any advice or suggestions you can offer them.

I encourage supervisors to make this opportunity available to all interested staff members. I do hope that you will be able to join us to welcome our new students and to help begin the 2005-6 academic year.

Peggy R. Williams

IC Community Picnic August 22 | 0 Comments |
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