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Student Media Recruitment Nights

Contributed by Aaron Inver on 08/19/05 

Ithaca College's Television Station, Radio Stations and Newspaper are looking for new and returning students to work on their staffs. All three organizations will host Recruitment Nights for students to sign up and work for the student media outlets.

Ithaca College's Television Station, Radio Stations and Newspaper are looking for new and returning students to work on their staffs. All three organizations will host Recruitment Nights for students to sign up and work for the student media outlets.

Ithaca College Television (ICTV) will hold its recruitment night on Wednesday, August 24 at 7 pm in the Emerson Suites.

The radio stations, WICB and 106-VIC will hold their recruitment night on Thursday, August 25 at 7 pm in Park Auditorium.

The student newspaper, The Ithacan, will hold its recruitment night on Thursday, August 25 at 8 pm in Park Auditorium.

Students are welcome to become involved in as many different aspects of the student media as they'd like. We hope to see you at one or more of these events!

For more information, visit the websites.

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