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Students who wish to publish personal web pages (making them available to anyone with an Internet connection) can now use the public_html folder located in their Nova account.

Students no longer have to request personal web space from Information Technology Services and can use up to 50 MB of space on Nova for web pages. These web sites will be viewable from (username=novell username)

There are a few things that should be noted about the new system:

  • In order to successfully publish a Web site, the home page must be named index.htm or index.html and be located in the public_html folder.
  • Once the index file is saved to the public_html folder, the web site is live and viewable by the world.
  • ITS recommends that "ready to go live" files be placed in this folder and that backup/draft files be stored elsewhere outside the public_html folder.

For more details about creating web pages using public_html folder, see

A list of all Quck Guides is available at

Students who currently publish personal web pages on the Ithaca College server (www) need to move their files to this new system by the end of the fall semester.
Please note, on September 9, 2005, any student web pages still residing on www will not be included in the student website directory listing. Only sites that are using the public_html folder will be listed there.

For more details about this migration process, see Web Site Migration: Students (PDF).

Publishing Personal Web Pages for Students | 0 Comments |
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