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The staff in the Office of Residential Life would like to thank all of our colleagues and students who offered assistance when the West Tower elevator stopped working on Saturday morning.

We really appreciate your willingness to drop everything and help our students and their families move their belongings up the Towers stairs. It is really wonderful to know that we are part of such a caring and responsive community.

Fortunately, the elevator repair company was successful in restoring the elevator to working order by 9:45 am on Saturday, and opening went very smoothly from that point on.

Residential Life Thanks the IC Community | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Residential Life Thanks the IC Community Comment from mtomaselli on 08/25/05
Kudos to Res Life and all who helped students move into the Towers on Saturday without a hitch! Smiles, cheerfulness and help were plentiful and an overwhelming and emotional event was made easy!

Thank you!

Happy parent of 2 West Tower students,
mary tomaselli
Residential Life Thanks the IC Community Comment from dmohlen on 08/25/05
I would also like to echo thank you to all the Community Plunge Team Leaders who truly started the year out in service by mobilizing so many of our Community Plunge participants to help out - so early on a Saturday - after they had just finished two days of intense work in the community.

You demonstrated a long-term commitment to service that I am quite proud of,

Deb Mohlenhoff
Coordinator of Community Service & Leadership Development