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CTC/ICIC general information meeting will be held Thursday, September 1, from 12:10 to 1:00 pm in the Trading Room located in Smiddy Hall.

Anyone interested in joining either or both of these organizations should attend the meeting.

The Core Trading Consultants are a group of students who run the Trading Room and manage the Ithaca College Mutual Fund. Essentially, it is an investment club where members pick stocks they like and make presentations to the investors. If investors like the company being recommended, it will be voted into the Mutual Fund portfolio and a predetermined number of shares will be purchased. This organization provides a very pragmatic and hands on learning experience.

Students will have the opportunity to:
- Learn the Trading Room software
- Learn about making investments
- Contribute to real investment decisions
- Learn about the financial markets and economy
- Specialize in an industry with a group of individuals
- Make presentations
- Make money (if a shareholder)
- Participate in the investment challenge (investment simulation)

Any inquiries please contact

Core Trading Consultants (Investment Club) General Information Meeting | 0 Comments |
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