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SGA Positions Available

Contributed by Terry Martinez on 08/24/05 

Want to be a SENATOR in the Student Government Association?

If you are a freshman, a transfer, or a graduate student, you are eligible to
run for a position in the SGA senate for 2005-2006.

Come pick up an “Intent to Run" form from the Student Activities Center (SAC) -- Room 311 on the second floor of Campus Center. Forms are due August 31 by 5:00 PM in the SAC. There are four positions for freshmen, one for a transfer, and one for a grad student.

Have your voice heard at IC and be a representative of the entire student body!

The SGA E-Board

SGA Positions Available | 5 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
SGA Positions Available Comment from rgolber1 on 08/24/05
SGA is a fantastic way for students to get involved. I encourage all who are eligible to run!

Raphael Golberstein
Student Trustee 2004-2006
SGA Positions Available Comment from tklein1 on 08/25/05
Raffi knows what he is talkin about.

Join SGA and all your wildest dreams will come true....
SGA Positions Available Comment from kpassar1 on 08/25/05
can you apply for a position if you are a sophmore?
SGA Positions Available Comment from itopalo1 on 08/25/05
Kara, the shophomore, junior, and senior positions were filled at the end of last school year. You will be able to run as a representative (of your class, your school, or as an E-board member) for the next school year, during the next round of elections in Spring 2006.

Ivan Topalov
VP Communications, SGA
SGA Positions Available Comment from ddescar1 on 08/25/05
Do you have a secretary yet?