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Welcome back for the start of a new academic year! Over the summer, the Intercom team has been working on a number of changes and upgrades.

Image Upload
In the past, to have an image accompany your story, you had to submit it to the Intercom editor. We’ve now enhanced the features to allow you to upload an image directly from your desktop. The image will automatically be sized and placed within your story when you submit it, and it will upload .jpg, .png, and .gif files.

Introductory Text
When you submit a story, you are now required to include copy in the "intro text" field. This allows the opening of your story to be viewed by Intercom readers on the topic’s main page (and Intercom’s front page, if appropriate). Intro text should be one or two sentences and should not exceed 1,000 characters. If your intro text is long, Intercom will automatically break it at the 1,000-character mark, so be sure to preview your story and see that the break makes sense.

We always encourage you to log in to Intercom so that you can access more topics to read and comment on stories. Don’t want to log in everyday? We’ve changed the log-in settings so that Intercom will remember you on the same computer for up to one month. And don’t forget that you can always change your log-in settings; follow the link for "Log-in settings" in the "User Functions" box once you’ve logged in.

Campus Technology Updates
In order to keep abreast of late-breaking notices and news from ITS, we’ve added a sidebar called "Computing Updates." You’ll find system notices and updates directly fed from ITS on this feature that appears on Intercom’s front page and the Technology topic main page as well.

Now that summer is over and the campus community has more news to share, we're once again resuming twice-weekly roundups. We'd like to remind everyone that, regardless of how often round-ups are sent, the best way to stay abreast of campus happenings is to visit the Intercom website frequently -- you'll find new items posted there every day.

Intercom is your information center; make the most of it!

Intercom Gets More Improvements | 0 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.