Are you interested in fostering class spirit and identity and participating in the class of 2008 events and programming?
Sign up for the class of 2008 e-mail list today! This will provide you with information about class of 2008 events and other important news. You can join the e-mail list by sending an e-mail message to with "subscribe classof2008" in the text of the message. Please leave the subject line blank and do not include quotes.
On Sunday, September 11, come join the class of 2008 for a movie under the stars. We will be showing "Hitch" at sundown and offering ice cream sundaes on the quad. If you've already ordered a class T-shirt, you can pick it up at the event. If you would like a class T-shirt, order forms will be available at that time. This event is completely free, so bring your friends from the class of 2008 and enjoy! More information will be posted on the e-mail list.
If you are interested in getting more involved in the class of 2008 come join us at the class council meetings on Monday nights at 6:00 pm in Friends 203, beginning August 29. We hope to see you there!
If you would like additional information on the 2008 Class Council or movie under the stars event please contact Shayna Margolis, 2008 class council president, at