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The Ithaca College chemistry department is very excited to report its success in receiving funding to purchase a new 400 MHz spectrometer!! The principal author on the $257,000 grant was Scott Ulrich, with additional contributions from Michael Haaf, Keri Lee, Anna Larsen, Heinz Koch and Jim MacNeil.

The new spectrometer will feature the state of the art in NMR technology and will ultimately result in faster acquisition times, user-friendly Windows based software, and totally new experiments that we were unable to do before. We hope that the new instrument will enhance our curriculum such that Ithaca College remains one of the premiere undergraduate institutions for NMR education.

The instrument should be in place by the end of the fall semester. If you visit the campus, be sure to check it out!

Chemistry Department Wins $257,000 Grant | 0 Comments |
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