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In response to the significant number of Health and Safety violations found over winter break last year, the Office of Residential Life is making some significant changes to the Health and Safety Inspection process. These changes include the introduction of a fine system.

In response to the significant number of Health and Safety violations found over winter break last year, the Offices of Residential Life, Judicial Affairs and Environmental Health and Safety met to discuss how to improve student compliance with fire safety policies. As a result of these meetings we are announcing some significant changes to the Health and Safety inspection process. These proposed changes were reviewed and supported by the Residence Hall Association last spring. The new process will work as follows:

Residential Life Staff will conduct initial Health and Safety Inspections while completing ACRs/RCRs in early fall, at Thanksgiving and Spring Break. Environmental Health and Safety will conduct inspections over winter break. Violations will fall into one of the following two categories listed below.

Major Violations

Flammable Liquids, fireworks, propane tanks, possession of or tampering with fire safety equipment

Standard Violations

All other health and safety violations as listed in the Student Handbook

If a major violation is found during an inspection the student(s) will minimally receive an automatic $50 fine and 1 semester of probation.

In all other cases the first Health and Safety inspection will be educational in nature. There will be no fines or judicial consequences unless the student fails to come into compliance by the specified date and/or if the student is involved in subsequent violations. Fines will be applied as indicated below.

Please note that fines and judicial consequences will escalate with subsequent violations. The judicial consequences are dependent on the severity of the incident and a student’s prior judicial history.

Major Violations
1st violation – Minimum 1 semester probation and $50 fine
2nd violation – Judicial sanction and $100 fine
3rd violation – Judicial sanction and a $200 fine

Standard Violations
1st violation – educational conversation with RA
2nd violation – Minimum Written Warning Letter and $25 fine
3rd violation – Judicial sanction and $50 fine
4th violation – Judicial sanction and $75 fine
5th violation – Judicial sanction and $100 fine

Please contact your Residence Director or the Office of Residential Life (x3141) if you have any additional questions regarding this process.

Residential Life Announces New Health and Safety Inspection Process | 0 Comments |
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