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Journalist Bill Moyers will serve as the 2005-2006 Park Distinguished Visitor. Moyers will be at Ithaca College September 13-15, giving a public lecture as well as a question and answer session for members of the Ithaca College community.

Public Lecture: “Moyers On America”
Tuesday, September 13, 7:30 pm
Ben Light Gymnasium, Hill Center
A reception and book signing will directly follow. Books will be available for purchase at the lecture.

“Town Hall” Q&A Session
Wednesday, September 14, noon-2:00 p.m.
Park Auditorium, Park Hall
Open to the IC Community. Ithaca College ID is required.

This series is made possible through the generosity of the Park Foundation.

Biographical Information:

During his long career in broadcast journalism Bill Moyers was recognized as one of the unique voices of his generation. Beginning as a cub reporter for the Marshall News Messenger at the age of l6, he went on to serve as a founding organizer of the Peace Corps, a special assistant to President Lyndon B. Johnson, the publisher of Newsday, a reporter and anchor for public television, senior correspondent for the distinguished documentary series CBS Reports, senior news analyst for the CBS Evening News, and, with his wife and creative partner Judith Davidson Moyers, the producer of such path-breaking series as Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth, Healing and the Mind, The Language of Life, The Wisdom of Faith with Huston Smith, Genesis, On Our Own Terms: Death and Dying in America, Close to Home: Addiction and Recovery, America’s First River, and Becoming American: The Chinese Experience.

Among their acclaimed documentaries are Earth on Edge, Trade Secrets, Trading Democracy, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, All Our Children, Free Speech for Sale, and Surviving the Good Times. Before their retirement in December 2004, Judith Moyers was executive editor and Bill Moyers was managing editor and anchor of NOW with Bill Moyers.

During his thirty plus years in the media, he has received more than 30 Emmys from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and two prestigious Gold Baton awards from the Alfred I duPont Columbia University Award, nine Peabody awards, and three George Polk Awards, including the Career Achievement Award.

His several books include the following best-sellers: Listening to America, The Power of Myth, Healing and the Mind, The Language of Life, and, most recently, Moyers on America: A Journalist and His Times.

He is president of the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy.

Bill Moyers on Campus as Park Distinguished Visitor | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Bill Moyers on Campus as Park Distinguished Vistor Comment from awebste1 on 09/01/05
Oh yay...Bill Moyers......fanatastic. If you didn't get enough of his insane rantings about a conservative conspiracy to take over all forms of media in the United States on his NOW Program, well now you'll likely get to hear it face to face. But I guess after the college brought a big name conservative last year (Ben Stein) to speak, which I'm betting was also the only one in the last decade, it had to be balanced out with someone like Moyers. How he won so many awards is beyond me with how he's manipulated statistics in some of his news reports. I recall one in which he drastically overstated the rate of marital infidelity amongst black males in inner cities. I don't know whether he was just playing it up for the sake of drama, or what, but I'd rather have Seymore Hersh back, with his seemingly scatter brained inpromptu speech delivery. But no...we have Bill Moyers instead. Not to mention he served as a Special Assistant to Lyndon Johnson from 1965 to 1967. Man, good to see he really helped that administration be the best it could be. I won't be shocked if this post gets deleted, but if it doesn't hopefully it will encourage you reading this to at least go and hear his viewpoints. As much as I don't agree with him at all, I'd still recommend hearing the man out just to be fair. And if this stirs up a bit of controversy...good. I'm assuming the college paid good money for this guy, might as well make it worth the cash paid.